2018 03 13 周二 Tues

摩托罗达新MOTO MOD曝光,将可用手机观看VR内容
据外媒VentureBeat记者Evan Blass的爆料,摩托罗拉即将推出一款名为VirtualViewer的新motomod。虽然这款产品没有进一步的细节说明,也没有实物展示。但从图片上可以大致了解到VirtualViewer是一款VR模块,将moto的Z系列手机放到模块内部,就可以观看VR内容了。
目前,智能手机的VR头戴式头显非常普遍,一些公司(如三星)已经制造出专门用于手机的头戴式VR头显。所以这款产品极有可能是一款只支持moto的Z系列设备内置的类似Daydream VR功能的VR设备。
The new MOTO MOD will be available to watch VR content on mobile phones.
According to VentureBeat reporter Evan Blass, MOTOROLA is launching a new motomod called VirtualViewer. Although the product has no further details, there is no physical display. However, it can be seen from the picture that the VirtualViewer is a VR module, and the moto Z series phones can be placed inside the module so that the VR content can be viewed.
At present, the VR headwear of smart phones is very common, and some companies (such as samsung) have already made head-mounted VR headsets specially for mobile phones. So this product is likely to be a VR device with a similar Daydream VR headset built into the moto Z series.

Bose enters the AR market and will introduce audio AR glasses.
Bose has announced that it will enter the AR market and has created a $50 million development fund to support the new AR platform development and will begin to build AR glasses. The Bose, which focuses on earphones and speakers, has audio units attached to the two mirror legs of the AR glasses. The face and ordinary glasses do not have much area other AR glasses can be provided to the wearer only the sound he hears.
Bose claims that their AR glasses, along with a microphone, can carry Google assistants and Siri, can also connect to the phone, use the phone's GPS location, and have a head tracking.

Nickelodeon为全球IMAX VR中心提供适合儿童的多人VR体验'SlimeZone'
Nickelodeon和IMAX公司已经携手合作,向全球IMAX VR中心推出全新的多人社交VR体验SlimeZone。允许多达6名玩家进入充满卡通的虚拟世界, SlimeZone 具有游戏功能,可以让朋友“粘糊糊 ”,还有其他许多可以识别的漫画,比如海绵宝宝Square Pants。
SlimeZone现已在洛杉矶,纽约市和多伦多的IMAX VR中心上市,并计划在不久之后在上海,曼谷和曼彻斯特(英国)的中心推出。
Nickelodeon Brings Kid-friendly Multiplayer VR Experience ‘SlimeZone’ to IMAX VR Centers Worldwide
Nickelodeon and IMAX Corporation have partnered to bring SlimeZone, a new multiplayer social VR experience, to IMAX VR centers globally. Allowing up to six players to step inside a cartoon-filled virtual world, SlimeZone features games, the ability to ‘slime’ friends, and what else – plenty of recognizable cartoons such as Sponge Bob Squarepants.
SlimeZone is now available at IMAX VR centers in Los Angeles, New York City and Toronto, and is scheduled to launch at centers in Shanghai, Bangkok and Manchester (UK) soon.