Daily日报│三星推出AR Emoji;华为发布首款5G商用芯片


    2018 02 27 周二
    三星推出AR Emoji
    在2018年的移动世界大会(MWC)上,三星正式发布新款Galaxy S9和S9 +智能手机,并推出了AR Emoji。
    与苹果公司的iPhone X类似,归功于Galaxy S9上的新相机,三星的AR Emoji允许用户创建一个包含表情、声音和动作的emoji。
    三星在新闻稿中解释道:“AR Emoji使用基于数据的机器学习算法,该算法通过分析用户的二维图像映射出超过100个面部特征,以创建反映和模仿表情的3D模型,如眨眼和点头等,实现真正的个性化。AR Emoji不仅可以在视频中分享用户的真实生活感受,还可以通过一系列贴纸使用标准的AGIF文件格式,用户可以在大多数第三方平台上共享emoji。”
    Samsung launched the AR Emoji,
    Users can share their expressions
    on third-party platforms.
    In the 2018 mobile world congress (MWC), samsung officially launched the new Galaxy S9 and S9 + smartphones, and launched AR Emoji.
    Similar to apple's iPhone X, thanks to the new camera on the Galaxy S9, samsung's AR Emoji allows users to create an Emoji that includes facial expressions, sounds and movements.
    Samsung explains in a press release: "AR Emoji using machine learning algorithm based on the data, the algorithm based on the analysis of user's two-dimensional image map out more than 100 facial features, to create a reflection and imitating expression of 3 d models, such as wink and nod, achieve real personal. AR Emoji can not only share the real life of the user experience, in the video can also be through a series of stickers using standard AGIF file format, the user can Emoji on most third-party platform sharing."

    华为同时发布了面向5G时代的终端战略,将分别基于5G三大特点,推出联接家和人的CPE、Mobile WiFi和智能手机,联接物的5G工业模块,联接车的5G车载盒子。其中,华为首款5G智能手机将在2019年四季度上市。
    Huawei unveiled its first 5G
    commercial chip and terminal.
    5G mobile phones are expected
    to be released next year.
    Huawei has released the first 3 GPP standard on MWC2018 exhibition 5 g commercial chip barone g01 and 5 g commercial terminals, support global mainstream 5 g spectrum, including Sub6GHz (low frequency), mmWave (high frequency), in theory can achieve the highest 2.3 Gbps data download speed.
    Huawei also released the terminal 5 g era oriented strategy, will be based on the three characteristics, 5 g launch Mobile WiFi connection and CPE, and smart phones, join the 5 g of content industry module, link 5 g vehicle-mounted box car. Among them, huawei's first 5G smartphone will be listed in the fourth quarter of 2019.

    HTC在MWC 2018
    展示Vive Pro Vive无线适配器
    尽管这两款产品都在CES上公布,但HTC 今日在MWC 2018上首次展示了Vive Pro和Vive无线适配器。回到CES,我们开始使用Vive无线适配器和原始的Vive耳机,但该公司并未展示适配器与更新,更高分辨率的Vive Pro配合使用。
    在MWC 2018展会上,他们首次将这双鞋放在一起,展示了独特的VR体验,将用户置于热气球篮子中,并将他们送入峡谷。
    HTC Shows Off Vive Pro
    with Vive Wireless Adapter
    at MWC 2018
    Though both products were announced back at CES, HTC showed off the Vive Pro and the Vive Wireless adapter used together for the first time today at MWC 2018.Back at CES, we went hands on with the Vive Wireless Adapter and the original Vive headset, but the company wasn’t showing the Adapter in use with the newer, higher resolution Vive Pro.
    Here at MWC 2018, they put the pair together for the first time, demonstrated with a unique VR experience which put the user in a hot air balloon basket and sent them soaring through a canyon.