

    自动驾驶是现代技术中一个相对较新且非常迷人的领域。在2004年的DARPA Grand Challenge期间公开展示,并在2007年转向更具挑战性的城市环境,自那以后,工业界和学术界一直在追求自动驾驶。
    自动驾驶陷入低谷的原因之一是,感知组件是一个非常复杂的问题。虽然大多数团队都采用基于激光雷达的感知方式,但仍有人试图通过相机来感知(Tesla 和 Wayve)。
    为此,我们需要一个数据集来运行代码。卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)和芝加哥丰田理工学院(Toyota Technology Institute)2012年的经典数据集Kitti将非常适合这一目的。这是首批收集的大规模高质量数据集之一,可作为自动驾驶领域计算机视觉算法的基准。
    Kitti跟踪由21个同步PNG图像序列、Velodyne激光雷达扫描和来自RT3003 GPS-IMU模块的NMEA记录组成。
    第一个要求是处理管道要跟上激光雷达扫描采样的速率。在现实生活中,扫描速度可能从10到25次/秒不等,这导致最大延迟为100毫秒到40毫秒不等。如果某些操作导致延迟超过100 ms(对于每秒10次扫描的速度),要么会发生帧丢失,要么管道的总延迟将开始任意增长。这里的解决方案之一是丢掉一些点,而不是丢失整个帧。这将逐渐降低准确性指标(召回率和精度),并保持管道实时运行。
    1. 有规律的
    2. (伪)随机
    3. 格栅下采样
    第一阶段是保留一个限制长度的队列,其中包含历史点云以及后续扫描仪的姿势转换。请注意,我们如何使用从RT3003 GPS-IMU模块获得的平移速度[Vx,Vy]和旋转速度Wz来构造姿势变换。
    // We accumulate the incoming scans along with their localization metadata
    // into a deque to perform subsequent aggregation.
      Transform3f next_veh_pose_vs_curr = Transform3f::Identity();
    if (gpsimu_ptr)
        float frame_interval_sec = 0.1f;
        // First, we need to calculate yaw change given the yaw rate
        // (angular speed over Z axis) and the time inteval between frames.
        float angle_z = gpsimu_ptr->wz * frame_interval_sec;
        auto rot = Eigen::AngleAxisf(angle_z, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ());
        // Second, we need a translation transform to the next frame
        // given the speed of the ego-vehicle and the frame interval.
                  gpsimu_ptr->vf * frame_interval_sec,
                  gpsimu_ptr->vl * frame_interval_sec,
    // Since later we want to aggregate all scans into the coordinate
    // frame of the last scans, we need the inverse transform.
    auto curr_veh_pose_vs_next = next_veh_pose_vs_curr.inverse();
    // Put the resulting pair of the cloud and the transform into a queue.
    auto cloud_and_metadata = CloudAndMetadata{decimated_cloud_ptr, curr_veh_pose_vs_next};
    while (m_queue.size() > m_params->m_num_clouds)
    // We accumulate the transforms starting from the latest back in time and
    // transform each historical point cloud into the coordinates of the current frame.
    auto aggregated_cloud_ptr = std::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> >();
    Eigen::Matrix4f aggragated_transform = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
    for (int i = m_queue.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
        constauto& cloud_and_metadata = m_queue[i];
        constauto& cloud_ptr = cloud_and_metadata.cloud_ptr;
        constauto& trans = cloud_and_metadata.transform_to_next;
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr transformed_cloud_ptr;
        if (i != m_queue.size()-1)
          aggragated_transform *= trans.matrix();
          transformed_cloud_ptr = std::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> >();
          pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud_ptr, *transformed_cloud_ptr, aggragated_transform);
        // For the current scan no need to transform
               transformed_cloud_ptr = cloud_ptr;
    // Concatenate the transformed point cloud into the aggregate cloud
      *aggregated_cloud_ptr += *transformed_cloud_ptr;
    1. 用Ransac探测平面
    2. 用Hough变换检测平面
    3. 基于Floodfill的非平面表面检测
    // A plane is represented with a point on the plane (base_point)
    // and a normal vector to the plane.
    struct Plane
        Eigen::Vector3f base_point;
        Eigen::Vector3f normal;
    // This helper function finds indices of points that are considered inliers,
    // given a plane description and a condition on distance from the plane.
    std::vector<size_t> find_inlier_indices(
      const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr& input_cloud_ptr,
      const Plane& plane,
      std::function<bool(float)> condition_z_fn)
      typedef Eigen::Transform<float, 3, Eigen::Affine, Eigen::DontAlign> Transform3f;
      auto base_point = plane.base_point;
      auto normal = plane.normal;
      // Before rotation of the coordinate frame we need to relocate the point cloud to
      // the position of base_point of the plane.
      Transform3f world_to_ransac_base = Transform3f::Identity();
      auto ransac_base_cloud_ptr = std::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> >();
      pcl::transformPointCloud(*input_cloud_ptr, *ransac_base_cloud_ptr, world_to_ransac_base);
      // We are going to use a quaternion to determine the rotation transform
      // which is required to rotate a coordinate system that plane's normal
      // becomes aligned with Z coordinate axis.
      auto rotate_to_plane_quat = Eigen::Quaternionf::FromTwoVectors(
      // Now we can create a rotation transform and align the cloud that
      // the candidate plane matches XY plane
      Transform3f ransac_base_to_ransac = Transform3f::Identity();
      auto aligned_cloud_ptr = std::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> >();
      pcl::transformPointCloud(*ransac_base_cloud_ptr, *aligned_cloud_ptr, ransac_base_to_ransac);
      // Once the point cloud is transformed into the plane coordinates,
      // We can apply a simple criterion on Z coordinate to find inliers.
      std::vector<size_t> indices;
      for (size_t i_point = 0; i_point < aligned_cloud_ptr->size(); i_point++)
          constauto& p = (*aligned_cloud_ptr)[i_point];
         if (condition_z_fn(p.z))
       return indices;
    接下来,我们开始迭代。在C++标准库的 std::mt19937伪随机生成器的帮助下,每次迭代采样3个随机点。对于每个三元组,我们计算平面并确保其法线指向上方。然后我们使用相同的辅助函数find_inlier_index来计算内点的数量。
    // This function performs plane detection with RANSAC sampling of planes
    // that lie on triplets of points randomly sampled from the cloud.
    // Among all trials the plane that is picked is the one that has the highest
    // number of inliers. Inlier points are then removed as belonging to the ground.
    auto remove_ground_ransac(
        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr input_cloud_ptr)
      // Threshold for rough point dropping by Z coordinate (meters)
      constfloat rough_filter_thr = 0.5f;
      // How much to decimate the input cloud for RANSAC sampling and inlier counting
      constsize_t decimation_rate = 10;
      // Tolerance threshold on the distance of an inlier to the plane (meters)
      constfloat ransac_tolerance = 0.1f;
      // After the final plane is found this is the threshold below which all
      // points are discarded as belonging to the ground.
      constfloat remove_ground_threshold = 0.2f;
      // To reduce the number of outliers (non-ground points) we can roughly crop
      // the point cloud by Z coordinate in the range (-rough_filter_thr, rough_filter_thr).
      // Simultaneously we perform decimation of the remaining points since the full
      // point cloud is excessive for RANSAC.
      std::mt19937::result_type decimation_seed = 41;
      std::mt19937 rng_decimation(decimation_seed);
      auto decimation_gen = std::bind(
           std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t>(0, decimation_rate), rng_decimation);
      auto filtered_ptr = std::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> >();
      for (constauto& p : *input_cloud_ptr)
           if ((p.z > -rough_filter_thr) && (p.z < rough_filter_thr))
               // Use random number generator to avoid introducing patterns
              // (which are possible with structured subsampling
              // like picking each Nth point).
               if (decimation_gen() == 0)
      // We need a random number generator for sampling triplets of points.
      std::mt19937::result_type sampling_seed = 42;
      std::mt19937 sampling_rng(sampling_seed);
      auto random_index_gen = std::bind(
           std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t>(0, filtered_ptr->size()), sampling_rng);
      // Number of RANSAC trials
      constsize_t num_iterations = 25;
      // The best plane is determined by a pair of (number of inliers, plane specification)
      typedefstd::pair<size_t, Plane> BestPair;
      auto best = std::unique_ptr<BestPair>();
      for (size_t i_iter = 0; i_iter < num_iterations; i_iter++)
           // Sample 3 random points.
          // pa is special in the sense that is becomes an anchor - a base_point of the plane
                  Eigen::Vector3f pa = (*filtered_ptr)[random_index_gen()].getVector3fMap();
                  Eigen::Vector3f pb = (*filtered_ptr)[random_index_gen()].getVector3fMap();
                  Eigen::Vector3f pc = (*filtered_ptr)[random_index_gen()].getVector3fMap();
           // Here we figure out the normal to the plane which can be easily calculated
                 // as a normalized cross product.
                  auto vb = pb - pa;
                  auto vc = pc - pa;
                  Eigen::Vector3f normal = vb.cross(vc).normalized();
          // Flip the normal if points down
                 if (normal.dot(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()) < 0)
                       normal = -normal;
          Plane plane{pa, normal};
        // Call find_inlier_indices to retrieve inlier indices.
              // We will need only the number of inliers.
              auto inlier_indices = find_inlier_indices(filtered_ptr, plane,
                    [ransac_tolerance](float z) -> bool {
                             return (z >= -ransac_tolerance) && (z <= ransac_tolerance);
              // If new best plane is found, update the best
              bool found_new_best = false;
              if (best)
                      if (inlier_indices.size() > best->first)
                              found_new_best = true;
                    // For the first trial update anyway
                    found_new_best = true;
       if (found_new_best)
                      best = std::unique_ptr<BestPair>(new BestPair{inlier_indices.size(), plane});
      // For the best plane filter out all the points that are
     // below the plane + remove_ground_threshold.
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_no_ground_ptr;
    if (best)
                    cloud_no_ground_ptr = std::make_shared<pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> >();
                    auto inlier_indices = find_inlier_indices(input_cloud_ptr, best->second,
                         [remove_ground_threshold](float z) -> bool {
                                return z <= remove_ground_threshold;
                    std::unordered_set<size_t> inlier_set(inlier_indices.begin(), inlier_indices.end());
                    for (size_t i_point = 0; i_point < input_cloud_ptr->size(); i_point++)
                           bool extract_non_ground = true;
                           if ((inlier_set.find(i_point) == inlier_set.end()) == extract_non_ground)
                                 constauto& p = (*input_cloud_ptr)[i_point];
                   cloud_no_ground_ptr = input_cloud_ptr;
        return cloud_no_ground_ptr;
    KITTI 0003中的聚类点云: