Daily日报│3Glasses蓝珀S2正式发货;AR平台8th Wall完成800万美元融

Windows MR系列
不久之前有报道说Windows MR系列VR头显蓝珀S2将于2月7日发货,现在了解到3Glasses 蓝珀S2已近正式上市。赶在春节前发货,3Glasses表示希望蓝珀S2能让其消费用户度过一个不一样的春节。
The Windows MR series
3Glasses sapphire is officially shipped.
Not long ago, it was reported that the Windows MR series VR headband S2 will be shipped on February 7. Now it is known that the 3Glasses blue perp S2 has been officially listed. Before the Chinese New Year, the three glasses expressed the hope that the new Chinese New Year would be a different time for the New Year of the New Year's consumer.
It was first released on December 19 at the 3Glasses "VR have fun" new product and strategy release, priced at 3,998 yuan. With a clamshell head design (similar to SONY), it has an inward and external positioning system. It supports a 6-dof motion controller with a single-eye resolution of 1440 x 1440 and a field of 105 degrees.

AR开发平台8th Wall完成800万美元融资
今日,AR开发平台8th Wall宣布完成了800万美元融资。本轮融资由原种子轮领投者Norwest Venture Partners领投,The Venture Reality Fund、Shasta Ventures和Sparkland Capital参投。据悉,此次融资用于扩张其XR开发平台,实现ARCore和ARKit的集成。迄今为止,8th Wall已完成约1040万美元的融资。
8th Wall, AR development platform,
completed $8 million in financing.
Today, the AR development platform, 8th Wall, announced $8 million in financing. This round of financing was led by Norwest Venture Partners, a former seed round leader, The Venture Reality Fund, Shasta Ventures and Sparkland Capital. It is reported that this financing is used to expand its XR development platform to realize the integration of ARCore and ARKit. So far, 8th Wall has completed about $10.4 million in financing.
Snap released Q4 results:
revenue rose 72 percent.
Today, Snap released its fiscal fourth quarter of 2017. Snap reported revenue of $285.7 million in the fourth quarter, up 72 percent from $165.7 million in the same period last year. The net loss was $350 million, up 106% from a net loss of $170 million in the same period last year. In addition, Snap's AD revenue for the fourth quarter was $281 million, up 74% from a year earlier and 38% from the previous quarter, the report said.
今日,谷歌Research团队在网站上发表博客称,为安卓上的Motion Stills(视频捕捉和观看app)增加了全新的AR模式。
Google black technology:
use the mobile gyroscope
to realize the motion tracking in AR.
Today, the Google Research team posted a blog post on its website that added a whole new AR model to android's Motion Stills (video capture and viewing app).
Under the AR model, users only need to click on the screen can be interesting virtual 3 d objects placed at rest, or move in the horizontal plane (such as table, floor and hands), and to make these objects can be seamless interaction and dynamic real-time environment. We can also directly video and export GIF and video.