
Google将在GDC 2018上宣布新的开发工具
今年的游戏开发者大会(GDC)即将召开,现在GDC网站上已经公布了为期一周的会议 ,Google似乎将为游戏开发者推出一些新产品和工具。虽然没有明确说明这次演讲是否主要针对AR / VR,但Google的AR / VR开发人员工具Nathan Martz的产品经理将会发言,这让我们认为可能会有一些有趣的事情发生。
Google to Announce New Dev Tools at GDC 2018, Keynote to Feature AR/VR
This year’s Game Developers Conference (GDC) is nearly upon us, and now that talks for the week-long event are published on the GDC website, it appears Google will be taking the stage to introduce a number of new products and tools for game devs. While it’s not explicitly stated whether the talk will be primarily focused on AR/VR, Google’s product manager for AR/VR developer tools Nathan Martz will be speaking, making us think there might be something interesting around the corner.
Google Developer Day: Developer Day kicks off with new product announcements, tools and opportunities for game developers to build high quality, engaging experiences for a growing global audience.

“雅虎 MAP” for iOS现在在日本有AR导航模式
雅虎 日本刚刚更新了基于iOS的Map 应用程序,以包含一种新的实验性AR模式,它将蓝色通道叠加到物理世界中,供您跟随到最终目的地。目前仅适用于步行路线的增强现实功能从今天开始在运行iOS 11的日本苹果设备上使用。
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