日报│VIVE PRO头显开启预售;腾讯首款AR游戏开启预约
2018 03 21 周三 WED

VIVE PRO头显开启预售,售价6488元
2018年3月19日,HTC VIVE今日在北京宣布,第二代VR头显 VIVE PRO 专业版正式开启预售,首批订单将于今年的4月5日开始发货,售价为人民币6488元,预售渠道包括Vive官网、京东、天猫及国美、苏宁等线上线下平台。
据了解,所有全款预购的用户均可获赠4款热门应用、6个月的免费 VIVEPORT 会员以及1280个Vive币。同时,Vive消费者版于即日降价至4888元(原价5488元),并且附赠2个月的Viveport会员服务。
The VIVE PRO is available for pre-sale at 6,488 RMB.
On March 19, 2018, HTC VIVE announced in Beijing today, the second generation of VR head show VIVE PRO PRO officially open to booking, the first order will start shipping in April this year 5, sells for 6488 yuan, booking channels including VIVE website, jingdong, day cat, gome, suning online platform, etc.
It is understood that all pre-purchased users can receive 4 popular applications, 6 months free VIVEPORT membership and 1,280 Vive COINS. At the same time, the Vive consumer version will be reduced to 4888 yuan (RMB 5,488 yuan) on the day, and the Viveport membership service will be provided for 2 months.

Pokemon? Tencent's first AR game, 一起来捉妖, opens an appointment.
The first version of AR mobile game, which is produced by tencent, has officially started its prediction on WeChat gaming platform. The game is called "the royal spirit".
The style of the journal together to catch the demon and foreign fire AR games like "PokemonGo", is also in the real world, can be found around and collect the demon. In addition, there are elements such as fighting, social and territorial. Players can train goblins through goblin training and advanced arousal, and then engage with their friends online or offline to exchange experiences.

Oculus正式启动第三届VR for Good教育计划
今日,Oculus宣布第三届VR for Good教育计划正式开始报名,报名截至时间为2018年4月6日。Oculus最初于2016年启动该教育计划,旨在借助VR带来的沉浸式体验,提高大众对社会问题的关注,推动社会正能量。为此,Oculus还与内容创作者及非赢利性机构合作,创建了一系列有关人口贩卖、家庭暴力和海洋保育等问题的VR体验。
Oculus officially launched the third VR for Good education program.
Today, Oculus announced that the third VR for Good education program is officially open for registration. The deadline is April 6, 2018. Oculus launched the education program in 2016, aiming to raise public awareness of social issues and promote social positive energy through the immersive experience brought by VR. To that end, Oculus has partnered with content creators and nonprofit organizations to create a range of VR experiences on issues such as human trafficking, domestic violence and Marine conservation.