麻省理工教授Eric Klopfer:VR的潜力难以估量
各位小伙伴大家好。不知不觉,距离我们“2017全球VR创新创业大赛”开赛已经两个半月啦。为了让各位参赛者更好地了解本次大赛以及我们的专家评审团,今天,我们有幸采访到了本次大赛的评委之一:麻省理工学院(MIT)教授、麻省理工教育游戏部主任Eric Klopfer(埃里克·克洛普弗)。

Eric Klopfer
Eric Klopfer在MIT任职多年,主要研究如何将教育科技、游戏与计算机模拟作为教学复合系统中的工具并开发学生的认知和计算思维能力。他的学术作品包括《增强学习》(Augmented Learning)、《在建模中冒险》(Adventures in Modeling)以及《我们知道的越多》(The More We Know)。那么,作为本次大赛的评审之一,他对各位参赛者又有哪些建议和期待呢?下面就一起来看看吧:(以下Q为公共服务平台小编提问,A为Eric Klopfer教授回答)
A:I think it is important that parents realize 1) all games are not the same they range from intensive problem solving games to construction games and more, and 2) that there is both good research and good theory that supports the use of game design principles for learning. Game design principles can be applied to not only motivate students but to challenge them, and keep them on the edge of their expertise.
A: I think rewards by themselves can be shallow and even counterproductive for learning. But when design combines rewards and other forms of feedback, it can be very helpful for learning. Students often don’t get feedback for long periods of time in school. Games can provide such feedback more quickly and in ways that can help learning.

A:There are at least a couple of ways to think about this. First, one can and should build challenges into a game that take the form of an assessment. That isn’t to say you should interrupt a game with test questions, but the actual tasks within the game should require the use of the desired learning principles. With modern data analytics we can then assess learning in game based on this data. But it is also useful to triangulate with external measures, which often requires collaboration with researchers.
A:One of the things we’re starting to learn about VR is that it has a significant emotional impact. So practicing something like public speaking in front of a VR audience provides a real challenge. Psychologists are starting to use and apply these principles. But we are just beginning to see the ways that we can use the collaborative capabilities in VR. The potential is very significant.
A:Think about what affordances VR actual provides. What unique visualizations or interactions does this new technology afford? Draw upon these unique aspects, rather then just moving a 3d experience to VR.
A:Many more people will experience VR through mobile devices than computer-based head-mounted displays. So it is important to think about this platform seriously. It currently has much more limited interaction so make sure to match the application to the forms of interaction that the experience does provide.