

    娱 乐
    The Gallery – Episode 2:
    Heart of the Emberstone
    (画廊 - 第2集:Emberstone的心脏)
    The Wizards
    教 育
    Bartender VR Simulator
    艺术 与 文化
    Galactic Gallery
    The Kremer Collection VR Museum
    企 业
    Gravity Sketch VR
    商 城
    BattleSky VR
    去年的一等奖获得者包括  阿波罗11号VR(2016年),  奇妙的装置(2016 年),Cloudlands:VR迷你高尔夫(2016年) 和  Allumette(2016年)。

    HTC Announces 2018 Viveport Developer Awards Nominees, $50K First Prize up for Grabs
    Last year marked HTC’s very first Vive Developer Awards (VDAs), which saw tens of thousands of dollars go to VR app developers across a number of categories. Now, HTC has announced the nominees for this year’s VDAs who will be in competition to win $50,000 in first place prize money.
    HTC has established 5 categories for this year’s VDAs including entertainment, education, arts & culture, enterprise and arcade. A total of 10 nominees came out of the initial evaluations, a review process held by a panel of HTC employees that looked at the games’ overall virtual reality experience and engagement metrics  such as total downloads, total user sessions and overall time played.
    Without further ado, here’s this year’s VDA nominees:
    The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone
    The Wizards
    Bartender VR Simulator
    Arts & Culture
    Galactic Gallery
    The Kremer Collection VR Museum
    Gravity Sketch VR
    BattleSky VR
    Winners will be announced at a special event on March 19th coinciding with the Game Developers Conference (GDC).
    First place for each category will receive $50k, which includes a studio profile video produced by the Vive team, “priority access” to new developer hardware, and a shiny trophy. Second place gets a financial award of $20,000, and all of the above (besides the $50K of course).
    Last year’s first-prize winners included Apollo 11 VR (2016), Fantastic Contraption (2016), Cloudlands: VR Minigolf (2016), and Allumette (2016).