

     xray = imread("images/xray.jpg")
     xray_gray = rgb2gray(xray)
            compare(xray, xray_gray)
    >>> xray.max() - xray.min()
    from skimage.exposure import equalize_hist
    enhanced = equalize_hist(xray_gray)
    >>> compare(xray, enhanced)
    from skimage.exposure import equalize_hist
    enhanced = equalize_hist(xray_gray)
           >>> compare(xray, enhanced)
    from skimage.exposure import equalize_adapthist
    # Adjust clip_limit
    enhanced_adaptive = equalize_adapthist(xray_gray, clip_limit=0.4)
    compare(xray, enhanced_adaptive, "Image with contrast enhancement")
    from skimage.transform import rotate
    clock = imread("images/clock.jpg")
    clockwise = rotate(clock, angle=-60)
           compare(clock, clockwise, "Clockwise rotated image, use negative angles")
    anti_clockwise = rotate(clock, angle=33)
    compare(clock, anti_clockwise, "Anticlockwise rotated image, use positive angles")
    butterflies = imread("images/butterflies.jpg")
    >>> butterflies.shape
          (720, 1280, 3)
    from skimage.transform import rescale
    scaled_butterflies = rescale(butterflies, scale=3 / 4, multichannel=True)
            "Butterflies scaled down by a factor of 3/4",
    from skimage.transform import resize
          puppies = imread("images/puppies.jpg")
          # Also possible to set anti_aliasing
          puppies_600_800 = resize(puppies, output_shape=(600, 800))
          compare(puppies, puppies_600_800,
          "Puppies image resized 600x800 (height, width)")
    whale_image = imread("images/00206a224e68de.jpg")
          >>> show(whale_image)
    >>> whale_image.shape
         (428, 1916, 3)
    def make_mask(image):
            """Create a mask to artificially defect the image."""
            mask = np.zeros(image.shape[:-1])
            # Make 4 masks
            mask[250:300, 1400:1600] = 1
            mask[50:100, 300:433] = 1
            mask[300:380, 1000:1200] = 1
            mask[200:270, 750:950] = 1
            return mask.astype(bool)
     # Create the mask
     mask = make_mask(whale_image)
     # Apply the defect mask on the whale_image
     image_defect = whale_image * ~mask[..., np.newaxis]
     compare(whale_image, image_defect, "Artifically damaged image of a whale")
    from skimage.restoration import inpaint
     restored_image = inpaint.inpaint_biharmonic(
            image=image_defect, mask=mask, multichannel=True
            "Restored image after defects",
            title_original="Faulty Image",
    from skimage.util import random_noise
     pup = imread("images/pup.jpg")
     noisy_pup = random_noise(pup)
     compare(pup, noisy_pup, "Noise puppy image")
    我们使用random_noise函数向图像喷洒随机的颜色斑点。因此,这种方法被称为“盐和胡椒(salt和 pepper)”技术。
    from skimage.restoration import denoise_tv_chambolle
     denoised_pup_tv = denoise_tv_chambolle(noisy_pup, weight=0.2, multichannel=True)
            "Total Variation Filter denoising applied",
            title_original="Noisy pup",
    from skimage.restoration import denoise_bilateral
    denoised_pup_bilateral = denoise_bilateral(noisy_pup, multichannel=True)
    compare(noisy_pup, denoised_pup_bilateral, "Bilateral denoising applied image")
            "Bilateral filtering",
            title_original="TV filtering",
    from skimage import data
     coffee = data.coffee()
     >>> show(coffee)
    from skimage.segmentation import slic
     segments = slic(coffee)
     >>> show(segments)
    from skimage.color import label2rgb
     final_image = label2rgb(segments, coffee, kind="avg")
     >>> show(final_image)
    from skimage.color import label2rgb
    from skimage.segmentation import slic
    def segment(image, n_segments=100):
            # Obtain superpixels / segments
            superpixels = slic(coffee, n_segments=n_segments)
            # Put the groups on top of the original image
            segmented_image = label2rgb(superpixels, image, kind="avg")
            return segmented_image
     # Find 500 segments
     coffee_segmented_2 = segment(coffee, n_segments=500)
     compare(coffee, coffee_segmented_2, "With 500 segments")
    dominoes = imread("images/dominoes.jpg")
     >>> show(dominoes)
    from skimage.measure import find_contours
     # Convert to grayscale
    dominoes_gray = rgb2gray(dominoes)
    # Find optimal threshold with treshold_otsu
    thresh = threshold_otsu(dominoes_gray)
           # Binarize
    dominoes_binary = dominoes_gray > thresh
           domino_contours = find_contours(dominoes_binary)
    for contour in domino_contours[:5]:
        (371, 2)
        (376, 2)
        (4226, 2)
        (177, 2)
        (11, 2)
    from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
           from skimage.measure import find_contours
    def mark_contours(image):
            """A function to find contours from an image"""
            gray_image = rgb2gray(image)
           # Find optimal threshold
            thresh = threshold_otsu(gray_image)
            # Mask
            binary_image = gray_image > thresh
            contours = find_contours(binary_image)
            return contours
    def plot_image_contours(image):
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            ax.imshow(image, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
            for contour in mark_contours(image):
            ax.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], linewidth=2, color="red")
     >>> plot_image_contours(dominoes)
    dominoes_denoised = denoise_tv_chambolle(dominoes, multichannel=True)
    coins_3 = imread("images/coins_3.jpg")
    # Convert to gray
    coins_3_gray = rgb2gray(coins_3)
    compare(coins_3, coins_3_gray)
    from skimage.feature import canny
    # Find edges with canny
    canny_edges = canny(coins_3_gray)
    compare(coins_3, canny_edges, "Edges detected with Canny algorithm")
    canny_edges_sigma_2 = canny(coins_3_gray, sigma=2.5)
    compare(coins_3, canny_edges_sigma_2, "Edges detected with less intensity")
    windows = imread("images/windows.jpg")
    windows_gray = rgb2gray(windows)
    compare(windows, windows_gray)
    from skimage.feature import corner_harris
    measured_image = corner_harris(windows_gray)
    >>> show(measured_image)
    from skimage.feature import corner_peaks
    corner_coords = corner_peaks(measured_image, min_distance=50)
    >>> len(corner_coords)
    def find_corner_coords(image, min_distance=50):
            # Convert to gray
            gray_image = rgb2gray(image)
            # Produce a measure image
            measure_image = corner_harris(gray_image)
            # Find coords
            coords = corner_peaks(measure_image, min_distance=min_distance)
            return coords
    def show_image_cornered(image):
            # Find coords
            coords = find_corner_coords(image)
            # Plot them on top of the image
            plt.imshow(image, cmap="gray")
            plt.plot(coords[:, 1], coords[:, 0], "+b", markersize=15)
    windows_denoised = denoise_tv_chambolle(windows, multichannel=True, weight=0.3)